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Экскурсии > Каппадокия > Дегустация вин в Каппадокии

Дегустация вин в Каппадокии

     The Antalya seaside is gorgeous but sometimes we need something extra. Taking part in this alternate way of enjoying all the best that Antalya has to offer, you will bear witness to an awe-inspiring sunrise. An Antalya Horse Riding tour at sunrise gives you the chance to escape the ever-growing crowds of the seaside and bask in the beauty of an Antalya sunrise while simultaneously experiencing the countryside and its magnificent landscapes and views. So, come to have an amazing experience of delightful landscapes and interact with horses while exploring this beautiful countryside.

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    Antalya Horse Riding is a safari tour which takes you around the forests and beaches around the Lara area. The tour’s popularity is strongly connected to the fact that it isn’t just a regular walk, but it is a ride on trained horses that stands to make for the most amazing adventure. Furthermore, it has a bit of everything and so it is suited to everyone. You will experience forests and nature trails as well as amazing beaches all on horseback.

    The tour is open to everyone over the age of 8. The activity is not recommended for people who weigh over 110 kgs, or for those with health issues or limited mobility. This tour is not suitable also for pregnant women.

    Moreover, everyone is paired with their horses based on size and personality to ensure the best possible experience for you. The Horse Riding tour also benefits from having professional riders accompany you on the trek who can offer an immeasurable amount of knowledge for the area as well as answer any questions that you might have.

    When going on this tour you should be ready in the early morning as well as wearing sensible clothing. A comfortable vehicle will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the ranch which is the starting point of the trek. With its peaceful setting, you should get ready to experience nature at its finest.

    There is no need to worry if you have never ridden a horse before as you will be welcomed at the ranch by the hosts and professionals who will be ready to provide the necessary instructions and answer any and every question that you might have. Additionally, they will hand you the safety equipment that you need (hard hat, saddle, stirrups etc…) in order to fully enjoy the experience. You will also have the opportunity to hire riding boots if you so wish.

Сколько стоит Дегустация вин в Каппадокии?

Дегустация вин в Каппадокии стоит (цена) 50 € для взрослых, 30 € для детей (+9), дети до 8 лет бесплатно.

Время отправления

Отели Каппадокии —

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  • Hotel Transfer (Both Ways)
  • Horse Riding with Few Stops
  • Safety Equipments
  • Training Service
  • Insurance

Не включено

  • Personal Expenses
  • Photos & Videos
  • Drinks

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Comfortable shoes, seasonally appropriate clothing, and sunglasses.

Программа Дегустации вин в Каппадокии

    Following on, you will meet your steed and get a bit familiarised before setting off on your adventure. You will learn the basic riding skills that you need to be able to enjoy this slow ride and the beauty of your surroundings. Overall, horses are very friendly to humans. The horses we use are fully trained and are generally very easy to establish a connection with especially if you are a child. Therefore, this tour is characterised as family-friendly.

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    So, if you want to spend your time on a fabulous excursion trotting along the warm sands and the turquoise water of the Mediterranean Sea splashing against the beach as you ride as well as riding through luscious emerald forests, then this tour is the perfect choice for you. It will surely leave you wanting to come back for more.

    The trek consists of two parts. During the first half of the trek, you will be enjoying a ride through forest paths before continuing to the second part of the trek which will take you along the beach. We recommend you keep your eyes peeled for that Antalya Sunrise as it is most certainly going to make for an unbelievable photograph to capture the beauty on your journey.

    Upon successful completion of the trek, you will then return to the starting point at the ranch and will have the opportunity to relax for a little bit with a nice refreshing drink. Not only that, but you will also be able to view the professional photographs from your trip as well as buy them if you so wish. When you are sure that you are ready, you will then be transported back to your hotel to bask in the memories of what you have just experienced. As this tour is open to everyone above the age of 8, all visitors in Antalya can enjoy this unforgettable ride.


Вопросы и ответы:

Is there anything special I should wear while horse riding in Antalya?

Wear whatever is most comfortable for you, while shorts or pants are suggested to reduce saddle soreness. You should dress appropriately (trainers or closed shoes). On request, professional riding boots and other gear are available for lease or purchase at the centre.

Is it possible for non-riders to participate in Antalya Horse Riding?

Even if you’ve never rode before, you’ll love this ride because no prior experience is required.

Who cannot participate in the Antalya Horse Riding Tour?

Antalya Horse Riding is not suggested for persons weighing 110 kg or more, as well as those with limited mobility or health difficulties. Pregnant ladies should avoid this excursion as well.

What is the minimum age to ride a horse in Antalya?

To ride by themselves, children must be at least 8 years old.

How long does horse riding take in Antalya?

Antalya horseback riding take about 2.5 hours. You can pick the time between morning, afternoon, and evening time.

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Приятная прохлада винного погребка, интересный рассказ и, конечно же, дегустация вкуснейшего вина. Пробовали гранатовое, вишнёвое, ежевичное вино. Всё безумно понравилось, вкус — просто обалденный. Никогда до и никогда после этого я не пробовала такого вкусного вина. Конечно же, предлагают купить это самое вино.
Кстати, никаких подмен не было. Вкус в купленных бутылках был точно такой же, как и тот, который нам давали пробовать.
Покупкой и экскурсией остались довольны, не пожалели ни разу.

Татьяна Гришина
Татьяна Гришина

Всем любителям вина и культуры производства вина — советуем!
Мне больше всего понравилось шелковица, муж предпочел знаменитое гранатовое вино. Оно действительно очень вкусное. Под конец дегустация мы уже волей неволей были немного подшофе) А когда вышли из прохладного погреба на улицу, где была жара, то всех немного развезло и народ был веселый и радостный))
Накупили вина и себе и друзьям, и родным! Очень удобные упаковки, картонные тары, где умещается несколько бутылок. И не разобьется и нет воздействия света. Единственное, чего боялись, что вино, которое купили, не будет соответствовать качеству того, что пробовали. Но к счастью, оказалось все хорошо! Привезли домой тоже вино, которое было заявлено на презентации. Всем очень понравилось!